Friday, December 31, 2010

The Peace of Christmas

I would like to share the last Element of Christmas; "The Peace of Christmas" for today. It would be the last post from me in the year of 2010 too.

We will start of the topic with these verses; Luke 2: 6~14.

The Peace Of Christmas.
The peace here we are not speaking about is the peace that comes from worldly materials like filling your hungry stomach, getting good grades, no war and etc...The peace we're discussing is the inner/within which is from God. God's peace can only be available to people whom His favour rests.

How do we know His in us?
--> We only get to know His favour in us when we have a close personal relationship with Him. We can bond a close relationship with God by reading bible, prayers, and also through the Holy Spirit.

Three areas that God promise peace for those who believed in Him.
1) Peace with God
--> In general, sins has cause humanity to suffer and create much problems in our lives. Besides, sins  rob peace and relationship from man with God. No doubt we are sinners and constantly sins
everyday, but if we do confess them and seek for forgiveness, I believe our Father will surely forgive us if only we repent from them, refer [1 John 1: 8~10]  If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. What matters of all is Repentance! Repentance! Repentance!

2) Peace within ourselves
--> We can have all the things in the world; personal freedom, items, rights and etc.. but we still have no peace. Why? This is because we felt empty deep within us. Some denied this fact that they feel lonely and empty deep inside, therefore they forced themselves to involve in a busy schedule and constantly find things to do to fill the emptiness. I know how they feel, because I was once like that too. After receiving Jesus as personal saviour, there is no missing piece to our lives because peace is provided by our Father and His son, Jesus Christ. It is important to for the presence of peace because no peace = no security = no joy.

3) Peace with Others
--> God gives us the ability the ability to live in Peace with others. His words in 2 Timothy 2:  23~24 teaches us that Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Furthermore, Jesus command us to love our enemy and those who persecute us. Love and pray for them so that they will understand why we care and love for them one day. Beyond of all these, we are also urged to teach people the values of love and forgiveness. These two values are important in creating relationships, not only with God, but also among us.

**Remember this always: We are not gurantee to be loved by all, but we are to offer God's love to all by words and deeds.** Happy New Year!!

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