Let's think a while, are we far apart from God? Well, sometimes it's just us who felt God is so near but seem so far. Guess again, I found out that the first staement mentioned above is wrong when I am doing my devotion. What are the reasons? You'll know when I continue to share on about what God have revealed to me about this and prompted me to share with everyone. Let's focus our thoughts in the Covenant of God.
Let's start off with the most fundamental thoughts, what does the word covenant meant in the eyes of God? It's an "agreement" between us and God to do refrain from doing some act; a compact." Let's get start rolling on the Old Covenant. Then make a difference and conclude the benefits of living in God in this new era.
The Old Covenant
~> This is what the people of God practised in the times of our fore-fathers. One of the most commonly mentioned is the Ten Commandments. You may refer to http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html if you are not familiar with it. The Ten Commandments are practised by the Israelites those days and they disobeyed God's Ten Commandments. They have the attitude of unbelief, rebellion, disobedience and disregard for the law [the Ten Commandments], therefore they were severely punished by God Himself. Their disobedience and unbelief reflected on God's reputation. However, God desired the Israelites to be obedient so they can continue in God's light. Till now, the Israelites or most of us are still bounded to keep the law because it was the covenant way of life. Coming up is also a practise by the olden days where they sacrifice animals [lamb]. This is rather a just a "ceremony" where most people thought this old covenant is like a various ceremony that consists of food and drinks [Heb 9:10]. They require blood of an undefect lamb [perfect]. Besides, they conduct this ceremony in the Most Holy Place where only can be accessible by High Priest not anyone else. The people of God who gone through this ceremony is only "outwardly clean" but not spiritually because it is not able to clear the conscience of God's people/ His worshippers. This leads to most people being ignorant and continue to commit sins with no honest repentance. Therefore, their regular basis of sinning helps us to realise our weakness and limitations and this leads us the needs to seek guidance and aid from the Holy Spirit [God's Spirit] to overcome our human nature. The practise of Old Covenant is rather a disadvantage because we only received materials blessings if we obey and able to fulfil the requirement of keeping the law. This is rather more depending on human effort than God's grace. However, we still be saved by God's grace but God did bring them salvation and never promise an eternal life in the Old Covenant.
The New Covenant
The new covenant starts after the death and resurection of Jesus. This is because God said that " A covenant is only valid only when men are dead; never able to enforce when alive." Unlike the Old Covenant, the new Covenant came by grace and truth by Jesus. The new covenant is a better hope introduced by God, so we can draw close to God [Heb 7: 19]. This can be testified in God's oath about Jesus where He is a High Priest forever; pure, perfect and defectless [Heb 7: 26~27]. He does not need to cleanse Himself from sins before cleansing people's sin. God's love us for us that He sent His one and only son to die for us. Jesus able to save us permanently for those who come to God through Him; because He always interceed on our behalf. After Jesus was sacrifised for us, the law has been made pefect forever (Heb 7:28). Therefore, by accepting Jesus in our lives; for His blood able to cleanse our conscience from sin (acts that leads to death) so that we may serve the living God. By His blood that purify us; it has forgive our wicknedness and sins. Hence, it is said that we can enter to the Most Holy Place through Jesus blood and communicate with God. However, it is also important to know that sins, pride and other worldly wicked act will hinder us to communicate with God. The new covenant relies on Jesus living His own life in us through Holy Spirit. It's a direct change where it is not about the abedience of law like the Old Covenant, but we live in the grace of God [Romans 6:14] . We still be saved by God's grace but God did bring us to salvation and promise an eternal life in the New Covenant.
How do we treasure the New Covenant?
~> Honest Repentance
~> Acknowledge the value/importance of the New Covenant
~>A correct attitude in communion.
~>Conviction towards Christ and live a righteous life.
As a conclusion, it is indeed an advantage to live for God in the new era. It is important to know that we can seek God anywhere with the desire of seeking Him in correct attitude; without entering the Most Holy Place.
**I will be focusing God's word in the new blog with 3 other admins. Feel free to drop by to http://witheverything.blogspot.com/ **
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