~> Worship is more than just a service itself!
~> A normal part of Christian life.
~> Build a close relationship with God. God created us to worship and to fellowship with Him.
~> God will not accept the wrong kind of worship from our own ways, culture and tradition.
~> We should always worship God better than the previous session we have (improvement).
Worship~> Can be done in various ways. (singing,clapping hands, dancing & etc..). It also covers every actions of our lives daily. Bible also tells us to present our very own lives to God as living sacrifises (Romans 12: 1~2). This allows God to use you in His good work. Worshipping not so much comes from actions and work, but what comes out from heart! We have to differentiate between give thanks and worship because some of us tends to get mixed up just like the difference of mercy and grace. Give thanks~> For what he has done in our lives. (blessings, protection and etc...), meanwhile Worship ~> For who He is and for His worthyness.
Why do we worship?
1) One of the way to fellowship with God.
~>Christians continue to worship our Lord in heaven eternally.
~>We will get to know the heartbeat of His when His presence comes to us during worship.
2) God is seeking true worshippers.
~> Very important in God's sight.
~> God is very delight when we worship Him.
~> True worship does not depend on the place where we worship him, or who we are: It depends upon your heart attitude towards God. No point if we just worship Him by singing and etc...without sincerity of our hearts and acknowledging the Lord.
3) Bible commands us to worship.
~> refer Psalms 29:2 and Psalm 95 : 6~7
4) Worship is an act of honouring God.
~> We worship Him for all what he has bore much sufferings for us and died for us at the cross.
He deserved to be worshipped.
5) Worthy to be praised and worshipped.
~> Our God is always great and waesome!
~> Acknowledge Him & the wonderful deeds for us.
~> For He has chosen us and saved us from sins, treating us as His Treassured possession.
Growing in worship~ (Luke 7: 36~50) as ref text
Keep in mind that the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. Most of us may keep on mentioning coming back to heart of worship. But do we really know what does it means fully? The word "H.E.A.R.T" has it's own meaning itself.
H stands for Humility or Humbleness of Heart.
~> When we seek God, we should always humble ourselves down before God. Most of us expect God to reach out to us, but the we should have done the vice~versa. Always remember that pride is the primary hindreance to worship. Pride makes us to be consumed with the thoughts about yourself. Therefore, we must not concern how people looking at you. Just worship as who you are! Humility cause us to think more of God and this makes us more focus in worshipping.
E stands for Emotion. (luke 7: 38)
~> Do not hold back any genuine and visible emotion. It is OK to let it all out to God. It's OK to cry, raise our hands and etc... for our God! We put our pride aside, submit yourselves and everything to Jesus. Come with the spirit of humility and get involve in emotion totally to worship God.
A stands for Adoration.
~> Adoration has a definition of to worship as divine and giving the person at the highest all, most respect. Do we give the Lord the adoration that He supposed to get? It's easy that we adore others such as animals, pop stars, worldly materials, but what about God? This is one of the reason why sometimes we are out of the presence of God when we seek God in the house of God. This is because we have adored the wrong things! We should be full-life in worshipping Him, commited and fully to worship Him.
R stands for Repentance. (Luke 7 : v39, 47, 48)
~> Of everything, we must never deny the fact that we are sinners!
~> We should learn to surrender your everything to God; weakness, wrong doings & sins before God.
~> To grow in worship we need to grow in righteousness because when we walk in sin we cannot worship God fully. So, we should confess our sins before God. To worship Him must accept 2 truths;
i) Who God is & who we are. We are saved sinners!
ii)Honest repentance ~> so that we won't lie to God, ourselves and others.
T stands for thanks giving Heart (luke 7: 46~47)
~> Let's reminiscence a moment in our lives, do we really felt thankful for all he did sometimes?
~> We must have a mindset that God is the most precious thing, more than everything we have in our lives.
~> live a life of content, gratefulness and thankfulness for what he has blessed you.
~> Give to God what belongs to Him. (eg. music talents--> serve Him the best in worshipping team, tithes, and other talents).
~> Do not hold back and give your best shot in worshipping Him.
Begin with a himble Heart
Brims over Emotion
Exhibit yourself in Adoration
Leads a life to Repentance
Have a heart of Thanks Giving
*To bring enjoyment to God is your first purpose of your life; this proves your worth, you are important to God. -Rick Warren-
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